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Currently For Sale

We have nothing available at this time, continue to check back

Sales Policy:

Health Guarantees:

We strive for hardy goats free of any genetic defects or disease processes. With that said goats are extremely fragile, and sensitive to environmental stress and changes, due to this we cannot guarantee the long term health of any goat that leaves the property. Our herd is health tested annually, with proper parasite prevention protocols in place. Due to the stress of transitioning to a new home there are cases when parasite blooms happen due to stress, please take the time to educate yourself on parasite prevention, recognition and treatment BEFORE your new goat comes home.  

In the rare event an animal is sold as breeding quality but is proven to be genetically sterile, extra teats etc replacements will be made, when medical proof is given.  There are no instances where were cover medical costs or monetary refunds are given. Replacement may not be available until the next kidding season in many cases. 

Unless otherwise stated all of our goats are able to be registered with the American Dairy Goat Association, there are specific times goats will be "For pet only" and will not come with registration. 

We will disbud all goat kids prior to selling unless other arrangements are made. Goats DO NOT do well without other goats in the home, our goal is for all of our kids to go to a happy/healthy environment where they can thrive. Due to this we will not sell goats out as single animals if you do not already have goats at home. 


Crews Creek Farm reserves the right to refuse any sale at anytime for any reason. 

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